Kenny Graham


Kenny Graham is a regular on the Corporate Comedy circuit. Performing reguarly for many major companies throughout Australia.

His legendary Drunk character is so believable everyone can relate to knowing someone like Kenny. He has also performed as an actor in several movies. One of his major acting roles was The Movie Chopper. He played Choppers Father. A highly sort after “Actor – Comedian”.


When Kenny was about to go through his mid life crisis, he decided to do an acting course instead. A varied acting career followed, with roles in Shakespearian drama, television, screen and musicals. A memorable screen credit is the movie “Chopper”.

As a comic he is in demand for corporate functions, private parties, weddings, and clubs.

Acting skills transform his comedy performances into something more than the usual ‘stand up’ routines. Kenny gives new meaning to the works ‘character actor’ and inebriated character he has created is brilliant, different and very funny.

Multi recipient of both ‘Mo’ and ‘ACE’ awards as Comedy Performer of the Year.

Kenny also sings, dances and makes merry in Maggie Scott’s popular multi ‘Mo’ and ‘ACE’ award winning cabaret show ‘Ladies, Laughs and Larrikins’.

When Kenny staggered onto ‘The Footy Show’, an amazed viewer rang Channel 9 to ask the question: ‘Is this bloke for real!?’

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Matt Brown

Matt Brown is an Adelaide singer/acoustic guitarist who has been playing music for several years. Although he started out playing in bands he found that he had a strong desire to play solo acoustically and has done since.

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