Once Upon A Princess

Once Upon A Time there was a Fairy Godmother who wanted to create magical memories for children to treasure forever.


Once Upon A Princess offers professional children’s entertainment in Adelaide with a Fairy Tale cast. Meet and greets, singing, activities, dancing and storytelling. They bring the storybook characters to life.

She called on her Princess friends Snow White, Cinderella, Mermaid Princess, the Snow Sisters, Princess Beauty, Arabian Princess, Rapunzel, Sleeping Beauty, Island Princess, and Frog Princess from their Royal castle in the Adelaide Hills to visit children whatever the occasion may be. Once Upon A Princess make dreams come true for children who want to meet a real life Princess!

Once Upon A Princess have appeared at Port Adelaide Football Club home games, Playford Carols, Variety Kids Christmas Party, Special Children’s Christmas Party Adelaide Zoo, Christmas in the Square Henley Beach, Campbelltown Christmas Carols, Lights On Ceremony Lobethal, Ronald McDonald House Children’s Christmas Party. They also visit the Starlight Express Room at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital and Ronald McDonald House.

Once Upon A Princess bring fairytales to life with their sell-out magical events for children in South Australia, such as Tea With A Princess, Ballet With A Princess, and the Royal Princess Balls in 2016, 2017 and 2018.

The Princesses are proud supporters of the Make A Wish Foundation, Starlight Children’s Foundation and Cancer Council SA.

Once Upon A Princess are not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company in any way. Any resemblance to real or fictional characters is purely coincidental. Characters are inspired by non copyrighted fairy tales.

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